Join the forefront of innovation in Blockchain Gaming, NFTs, and the Metaverse!

Game Expansion For Developers

Collaborating with other developers to bring innovative ideas to life in the LOA world.

Dependent NFTS and Lands

Valuable NFTs are mined in specific lands and are essential for other lands.

City Management

Players enjoy city management, upgrading structures, daily quests, tool upgrades, and exploration in a unique PVE experience.

Sales Lands

Total Lands: 3,267
Total sales: 879





Join Us Now

We are here to make it possible for you to buy Mars lands. During a collaboration with the Virtualand team, you can buy the Mars lands of this project from us. We have provided you with the easiest and safest way to buy land in Mars so that you can buy your land in Mars without any worries. If you have any questions, you can contact us through socials. You can also find us in the partners section of the Virtualand site to make your purchase with confidence Mars is ready for your steps.


April 16, 2022
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April 16, 2022
  • Cras molestie ullamcorper augue nec pulvinar
  • Nam mollis sapien ut sapien gravida sollicitudin
  • Mauris vel nisl quis dolor accumsan luctus
April 16, 2022
  • Cras molestie ullamcorper augue nec pulvinar
  • Nam mollis sapien ut sapien gravida sollicitudin
  • Mauris vel nisl quis dolor accumsan luctus
April 16, 2022
  • Cras molestie ullamcorper augue nec pulvinar
  • Nam mollis sapien ut sapien gravida sollicitudin
  • Mauris vel nisl quis dolor accumsan luctus
April 16, 2022
  • Cras molestie ullamcorper augue nec pulvinar
  • Nam mollis sapien ut sapien gravida sollicitudin
  • Mauris vel nisl quis dolor accumsan luctus
April 16, 2022
  • Cras molestie ullamcorper augue nec pulvinar
  • Nam mollis sapien ut sapien gravida sollicitudin
  • Mauris vel nisl quis dolor accumsan luctus
April 16, 2022
  • Cras molestie ullamcorper augue nec pulvinar
  • Nam mollis sapien ut sapien gravida sollicitudin
  • Mauris vel nisl quis dolor accumsan luctus
April 16, 2022
  • Cras molestie ullamcorper augue nec pulvinar
  • Nam mollis sapien ut sapien gravida sollicitudin
  • Mauris vel nisl quis dolor accumsan luctus

Meet the team

Darrell Steward

Senior Designer

Kristin Watson

Senior Designer

Jacob Jones

Senior Designer

Jane Cooper

Senior Designer

Jenny Wilson

Senior Designer

Dianne Russell

Senior Designer

Devon Lane

Senior Designer

Robert Fox

Senior Designer

Join the forefront of innovation in Blockchain Gaming, NFTs, and the Metaverse!

Buy your first NFT

frequently asked questions

What is the metaverse?
How to access the metaverse?
How do you make purchases in the metaverse?
Is the metaverse fun?
How do I find things to actually do in the metaverse?
What is ownership in the metaverse?

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Join our exciting world and compete with each other.